Tudo o que você precisa saber!
You may have referred yourself, have been referred by another specialist or by Medical Insurance. We will discuss your problem and ask about your medical history. A thorough examination will then follow. We may request examinations and tests to assist and support our diagnosis.
X-rays, blood / urine analysis, ultrasonography, MRI, endoscopy can all be performed with no delay in the same building. If you have previous examinations and tests related to your current condition, please bring those along to the consultation. Also bring any copies of letters from other doctors or recent medication. It will help us to help you.
We will discuss with you the results of your examinations and we will recommend the proper treatment. Some conditions may be faced immediately by conservative or surgical treatment. In case you need surgery requiring general anesthesia, we arrange routine or urgent transfer by quick boat, state or private air ambulance to Athens or to your preferred destination (subject to stable medical condition). In special cases a patient can be escorted.
Otherwise, depending on the results of your examinations, the nature of the medical problem and your holiday plan, we will discharge you from our clinic, refer you on to another health professional or book you for surgery. If follow-up consultation or further consultations are required, we will indicate this and the staff will let you know the date and time of your next appointment.
Muito simples!
Basta você acessar a página “A SkinBeauty“. Lá você vai poder encontrar todos os nossos especialistas e profissionais de cada área. Caso tenha dúvidas, por favor, basta entrar em contato via whatsApp, telefone ou qualquer outra forma de contato que preferir. Estamos aqui para lhe ajudar!
Para sua comodidade, é indispensável o agendamento prévio do seu atendimento.